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The Spot

Olivia Bley

Once a year for five days, even though it’s only a short amount of time, I am able to get away, disconnect, and listen, resting in the Lord. Every year since I was very little, I traveled to a small campground in Ohio called Beulah Beach. This place has been a significant place in my spiritual journey. I came here as a little girl, while my dad would speak at a Youth camp for our church. But as I grew up, I then too attended this youth camp for many years as a camper myself. Every year since I was little, I would find myself retreating away to a special place to spend time with the Lord. This place had no significance at first, but as years continued to go by and I continued to revisit this particular place it became a place of growth, struggle, forgiveness, surrender, and debriefing. This place I call my spot.

My spot is rested upon a wide narrow hill, slightly to the left of a curvy oak tree. The grass around me is slightly dry and itchy, but still dense from the morning dew. I watch as the ants crawl sporadically around the twigs and weeds around me. Occasionally one will scurry across the pages of my worn-out journal, as I sit reflecting, processing, and resting in peace. I can feel the dirt beneath my toes, and the shade caving in around me. To my left, I can see old cottages down below. To my right, I see a continued slant to the hill, benches that creek, and people soaking in the view ahead of them.

The view ahead is soft yet holds so much power. Huge boulders and uniquely shaped rocks of all sizes surround the line of the shore. Seaweed drips off the side making the rocks look slippery and shiny. The waves of Lake Erie crash swiftly with a soft sound of water rising but gently falling back down to its home. It happens over and over until the water becomes calm. There is barely a sound except for a soft, gentle, back-and-forth motion of small waves, peacefully stilling. The water is a dark, deep blue, hiding what lies beneath it. The lake looks never-ending, yet you can see the other side of the lake's lights slowly turn on as the sun goes down. The clouds begin to part to create a clear blue sky. The blue sky then slowly begins to turn to an orange, pink, and purple color that glides through the sky. All the colors surround one object, the sun. The sun is bright with meaning. As it evolves down the sky minute by minute the brightness begins to dim. At each stage of the sunset, I am in awe of the beauty of the one who painted this piece in the sky. Only the hands of the creator could sculpt something as beautiful as what I see before my eyes.

As the wind glides softly through the air, goose bumps begin to appear on the sides of my arms and legs as it starts to cool. With the sun going down, the stars above begin to slowly sprinkle into the sky. The placement of each star is orchestrated by the Father in His own unique sequence. A completely clear sky, with no clouds blocking any of its beauty. There is a smell of lake water but also the fresh scent of the summer air. As the night goes on the smell of campfire creeps in with a hint of bug spray. The sounds of crickets and waves continue in a repetitive manner. I sit in reflection praising my Father for everything around me. I smile because I know He is near, even when I cannot hear Him. I see the fruit of His work all around me, in His creation, His artwork, but also in me who He calls His masterpiece.

This view from my spot is something I will never forget. Sitting here on this hill year after year reminds me of the seeds that were planted from day one. The Lord took those seeds and grew them, He grew my relationship with Him, and He walked with me through unknown seasons. Although this spot has become a place of escape and growth. I am reminded that it is just a spot. That the Lord is everywhere around me, even in the smallest things. His creation is a constant reminder of his faithfulness, and I will continue to praise Him for that every day. This spot, my spot has become an image so significant that often when I need an escape, I close my eyes and picture this view. I go back to the place where I can look out, remember, and rest in the Father’s goodness.


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