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Never Have I Experienced This

Natalie Williams

In honor of Penelope Jean, Natalie’s two-year-old daughter

You’re as small as a puppy with all folds but no fur

I cradle you in my arms and softly sing a lullaby

I have never experienced this before

You cry in the nighttime and my ears are ringing sore

I am tired and exhausted and tired beyond tired

I have never experienced this before

You coo as we cuddle, and my eyes meet your eyes

I think I saw your future and it’s bright

I have never experienced this before

You sit, then you crawl, then you walk across the same floor

Once was quiet and controlled, now is thumpy and loud

I have never experienced this before

You say in your new little voice, “I wov’e you” so clear

And my heart starts to melt and my eyes start to well

I have never experienced this before

The moments are flying as everyone told me they would

And I didn’t believe them when they said children grow so fast

But being a mother, I now know myself, it’s truly a blessing from the


I have now, by God’s grace, experienced this before



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