“You are not being very helpful.”
I know. –But how to explain
all the words I cannot pull
from myriad thoughts? Mouthful
of cotton against my will, yet you complain:
You are not being very helpful.
Decisions branch in perpetuity, my hell
is not knowing: what will you think? Tongue mired in chains,
mocked by the words I cannot pull.
Start small they say. Choose: egg or waffle?
Stay in? Go out? Booth or table? Mute. Racing heart bludgeons brain:
I am not very helpful
to you who weaves with ease pleasing plentiful
sentences. Tapestries. My frayed response met with vexed sigh, anxious flames
of failure: words I can never pull.
Held hostage by the notion (so pitiful!)
uselessness is worthlessness. I live in the refrain:
You are not helpful. I drown
in the sea of words I cannot pull.