I am not a leader
I am not a fighter
I’m not even really a voice.
My talent is fake
My ability is fabricated
And not my own
And my passions lie comatose.
My childhood has been dissected
My friends have disappeared
My dreams have been forgotten
But none of this is their fault.
Most of the time
I can’t help but worry about my place in things
Or what I’m worth
Except that I shouldn’t be first
And maybe the farther the better.
I know that some people say
That they like me or
That I’m good at things
I don’t try to shut them out
But their comments stay on the surface
Like cold butter, and I think
That I can’t make them care
And if they do, care enough
They’ll be willing to breathe on the butter
Until it melts.
Otherwise, I just keep on
Like normal
Surrounded by all kinds of butter
Ignoring, for the most part,
The butter I pat on others
Because their butter sits
On my head, cold.
And I worry
About the butter over my heart
With honey
And as melted as you’ve ever seen.
Only because of the pat
of cold, hard, slimy, and salty butter
that I hurriedly slap on the honeypot
and never take the time to melt.
I wonder, sometimes
If that noxious pat of butter
Will slip onto the floor
So that I slip onto the floor
In pain.
Because I am comatose now
With my passions.