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Bethel Creatives, no 17: Coen Jaques

Katie Brown

Interview conducted by Katie Brown in the The Crossings’ series on creativity and diversity within Bethel University’s student body.  The heart behind this series is to explore creativity in a broader sense and to be encouraged and inspired by the creatives on our campus and the things that they are doing.  

Coen Jaques is a freshman majoring in Business Management and minoring in Theater at Bethel. He likes to study in either the library or the learning commons. You can often find him in the lobby of Everest Rohrer and the Commuter Lounge. Coen enjoys participating in theater, going to the gym, and hanging out with friends and family. 


How would you define creativity? 

I would define creativity as someone who is open-minded, willing to try new things, easygoing, and well-adapted to problem solving. 


How do you express your creativity? 

I express my creativity mainly through trying new things I’m interested in. I didn’t plan on coming to campus and running for student council, but it sounded interesting, so I ran for it. I also enjoy theater and music, so I auditioned for Annie last year as a REACH student, and it was a lot of fun. I also enjoy listening to music for hearing the lyrics and the poetry behind it. 


At what age did you discover your outlet? 

I express my creativity through theater and music, so I’ve been doing that for my whole life. In preschool, I was doing little performances, and that progressed into elementary school, middle school, high school, and now. 


Do you have a routine? If so, what is it? 

I don’t have much of a routine. It depends on the day how creative I’m feeling. It’s more spontaneous in that way. 


Do you gravitate towards of specific genre? If so, why? 

For music, it depends on whatever mood I’m in. I like newer worship music because I think it gets people more involved, and the lyrics are more original. I also like to gravitate towards Christian rap because I find there is a lot of good lyrics and poetry, so I find those interesting. For theater, it’s normally whatever the Theater Department is doing. 


Where do you find inspiration? 

I usually find inspiration through other people, at least through what I’m doing right now in theater. There are a lot of people here who are experienced. They can be very inspiring with how they do their routines and how they express themselves. So not only through other people, but also through random things that pop in my head. 


How do you balance your workload with being creative? 

They kind of coincide with each other because I’m in the play, The Diary of Anne Frank, so I can be creative, and it’s work because a lot of time goes into it. But I would say, in general, I try to prioritize the work side of it. Then, with whatever time I have left, I can be creative. Sometimes listening to music while working helps and sometimes it doesn’t. So, I prioritize work, but I don’t neglect creativity. 


Is there a way that you specifically explore your creativity on campus? 

I would say getting involved with various programs and filling a schedule, which includes the play. I’m also planning on participating in the musical, student council, and being involved with other people, making new friends and finding a new group of people. 


Do you have any words of wisdom you’d like to give our readers? 

College is a great time to find out what you love and how you want to express your creativity, so don’t waste that time to try new things. If something seems interesting, give it a try. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. As long as you’re not overworking yourself, try new things. You don’t want to overwork yourself, but you don’t want to have too little to do. Fill your schedule but leave time open to rest and spend time with friends and family. Always look for things to try if you’re interested in them. 




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